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Production base in Southwest China promotes Guangxi's industry development


The industrialization demonstration base for Guangxi Transportation Science and Technology Group's rubber asphalt scientific research achievements was completed and put into operation in Qinzhou on June 16.


Beibu Gulf Big Data Trading Center selected as pilot project


The Beibu Gulf Big Data Trading Center was recently selected as a pilot demonstration project for the development of the big data industry by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2022.


R&D center in China-ASEAN Information Harbor Base completed


A town in China-ASEAN Information Harbor Base completed its construction as an R & D center on Jan 10. It was listed as a major project for the overall promotion of Guangxi in 2019, and it is the first pilot project of the architect responsibility system in Wuxiang new district.

The Chongzuo Area of the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone


​The China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone was set up in July 2019 with the approval of the State Council. The Chongzuo Area, one of the three areas of the pilot free trade zone, is located in Pingxiang City, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

The Nanning Area of the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone


In accordance with the overall plan of the autonomous region, the Nanning Area will bring into full play the unique geographical advantage of Nanning and fully implement national development strategies, such as the Belt and Road Initiative to build a pilot free trade zone in three to five years.

The Qinzhou Port Area of the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone


​The Qinzhou Port Area of the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone covers an area of 58.19 square kilometers.