Tian'e county
2023-03-17Tian'e county is located in the northeast of Hechi city. Covering an area of 3,196 square kilometers, it is home to 176,600 people.

Hechi Population
2021-06-01The city of Hechi is home to a population of 3,417,945, according to data released by the leading group on the seventh national population census of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on May 13.

Panoramic aerial views of Hechi
2022-01-26Here are some panoramic views of the 11 counties and districts in Hechi captured by aerial photography, providing stunning looks at the city.
Wondrous Hechi, an investment hot spot
2020-06-17Hechi is located in the northwestern part of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the southern foothills of the Yungui Plateau.
Beautiful Hechi: A land rich in longevity and environmental beauty
2020-03-18Hechi in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is a city inhabited by multiple ethnic groups, as well as boasts beautiful natural scenery and rich ethnic culture.

Introduction to Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region
2019-10-25Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is both a coastal and frontier region, the only one in China with both land and sea connections with ASEAN, a hub between the economic circles of south China, southwest China and ASEAN, making it a portal to ASEAN, the most accessible harbor in southwest China, and a key bridge linking Guangdong,Hong Kong, Macao and western China.